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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  July 15, 2020 3:30pm-3:58pm PDT

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department of california. we'll be here, every day, at 3:00 for you on air and on live stream. tonight, several developing stories involving the coronavirus here in the u.s. 41 states now with cases rising. in florida tonight the new epicenter more than 50 icus maced out. florida now with more than 300,000 cases statewide. miami's mayor warning tonight they may be a week now from issuing a stay-at-home order. a teacher who spent 21 days on a ventilator afraid of going back to school. texas reporting a record number of infections there. the army setting up a new covid facility, houston and san francisco, the latest major cities to announce schools will open online only. oklahoma's governor tonight who attended the president's rally, the image without a mask revealing he has now tested positive. he says he believes it was after that rally but he has helt back on requiring masks. in california aord
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too. one coung an armin toom. one in five in that county getting tested testing positive and the paramedic who hasn't seen his family in ten days. another close adviser launching an attack on dr. anthony fauci. the president said i have a good relationship with anthony. what's goingn? dr. fai calling the camign newly released video of a dead encounter. two charged with murder accused of hitting a man with stun guns 50 times. clashing with police several officers injured during a pro-police march. wearing masks in america and tonight, the growing number of confrontations. police body cam tonight of one incident ending in a deadly police shooting. a customer refused service after
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not wearing a mask who then allegedly stabs another customer later lunging at an officer. tonight what walmart is now saying about masks at all of its stores. the grisly scene in n york city, the murdereceociouslyed. authorities say he was wenight profile twitter accounts. there appears to be a major hack under way. barack obama's account, joe biden's too among those affected. our correspondents standing by. you with us on a basis wednesday night. the apparent hack of major twitter accounts including barack obama and joe biden and we'll get to it. but we begin with the developing news on the coronavirus. only worsening in the u.s. icus across the south filling at an alarming rate. florida, the new epicenter, more than 50 icus already maxed out. tonight the death toll is rising
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in 25 states, more than 137,000 lives now lost. florida after setting a daily record for deaths reporting12 more liv 56 hospitals in that state have no more icu the armytondes nurs to houston. a new record in california, more than 121,000 cases in a single day. in one hospital in one hard-hit county they told us just three icu beds left. in arizona tonight the state health department there bringing in nearly 600 nurses from out of state to help. the nation's first governor testing positive, oklahoma's governor who attended that rally for president trump, the image of him with no mask. he says he believes he got it afterward. knowledgg,quote, thetheti growi across several states including that concern over icus in florida and victor oquendo is there tonight leading us off.
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>> reporter: miami now the epicenter of a national crisis, hospitals are filling up,6 i inside this warehouse, a daily rush to get supplies to those on the front lines. boxes of ppe, gloves, masks. masks and gloves. these come in and out daily. >> i don't think there's ever enough at this point because we don't know what the conditions are going to bring to us. >> if things don't improve dramatically over the next week we could be forced to take very dramatic measures like reinstituting a stay-at-home order. >> reporter: schools here in south florida won't re-open for now, but teacher stefanie miller beach once again ready for patients if needed. >> we're afraid of going back and catching it. our immune systems are low as it is. we catch every flu the kids have
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so we're very suss sentable. >> reporter: schools this san francisco and houston also sas of sting themohs after weh refrigerated trucks outside a new york hospital texas counties getting them ready as morgues fill up. >> hard to talkoved ones are dy. there's only so many places to put bodies and we're out of space. >> reporter: in california our matt gutman spoke to misty diaz, last night she said good-bye to their father. >> his nurse was straight up with us. there's nothing that we can do. and i called my dad via -- like a video conferencing thing that they have and i talked to him for about 30 minutes and we each took our turn. i didn't think he would go out this way, matt.
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not this way. >> reporter: her father was there for her 28 spina bifida surgeries but jose died this morning. >> never him. maybe me. but never him. >> reporter: he had been in the icu with covid for more than two week, a journey misty documenting on social media. this wordless video going viral. mi is n using her platform to plead with people to wear a mask. the death rate now climbing in 25 states. half the country in oklaha where cases are soaring, the governor today revealing he too has covid. >> i got tested yesterday for covid-19 and the results came back positive. so i feel fine. >> reporter: kevin stitt saying he does not believe he contracted the virus at the president's tulsa rally and has resisted any statewide mask mandate but in the state of alabama a new order requiring them. violators could face a $500 fine, even jail time. >> folks, the numbers just do
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not lie. >> reporter: on the deadliest day yet the governor warning hospitals could soon be overwhelmed. >> the numbers and the data over the past few weeks are definitely trending in the wrong direction. >> mandating masks in alabama late today. victor joins us from outside the convention center in miami beach where a field hospital has been set up if needed. >> reporter: david, right now all eyes are on the hospitals here in miami-dade county. icus are operating at surge capacity but t nage. now, if it gets to the point where they can't they're ready at the miami beach convention center. the field hospital inside can handle more than 400 patients. >> all right, victor oquendo, our thanks to you and matt gutman and, of course, not just florida. there had been so much hope, the across the sun belt and in california tonight in one county we are with first responders, one hospital with just three icu beds left. the first responders ans warnin. take precautions that this is getting worse. abc's kaylee hartung riding
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along with them in riverside county, california, tonight. >> reporter: paramedic bill titov is the first one through the door, armed in ppe, when cal fire station 71 gets a call. >> you also, you keep in the mind, in the back of your mind that you have a family that you want to go home to and friends you want to go home to. >> reporter: he hasn't seen his family in ten days. his station here in palm desert, california, one of the busiest in the country. in the extreme heat fire captain pete tierney says the n95 masks make it even harder to breathe. >> the guys are getting tired, >> and there's no end in sight? >> not as of right now, no. >> reporter: every day there are we just pulled up to this elderly care facility where a woman has signs and sips of covid. we accompanied their truck rushing the patient here to eisenhower hospital. tonight, there are only three icu beds available. >> if we exceed capacity,
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something has to give, and the quality starts to suffer. >> and that breaking point is close. >> iisclose. >> they come in faster than we're able to discharge, and unfortunately these patients turn very quickly. >> do you think there will be a time where you will have to tur? reporter: and tonight a team of 20 active duty military medical personnel are on its way to help at eisenhower hospital. they're running out of beds and the staff is strained. they need reinforcements. there was nowhere else to turn. >> kaylee hartung, we thank all of those first responders. in the meantime, another attack on dr. anthony fauci tonight. the second top adviser to president trump to take aim blistering words and it com hs of fauci quotes. the president said just today i like anthony. so what's going on here? here's our chief white house
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correspondent jonathan karl tonight. >> reporter: after enduring days of attacks from white house officials some named, some not, the usually mild mannered dr. anthony fauci today said enough is enough. >> let's stop this nonsense and figure out how can we get our control over this now. >> reporter: the latest shot from the white house, peter navarro, a man who advises the president on trade but has no medical experience whatsoever published a short article in "usa today" saying, quote, anthony faucieen wrong about everything i have interacted with him on. >> i can't explain peter navarro. he is in a world by himself so i don't even want to go there. >> reporter: today the president who has also criticized dr. fauci distanced himself from navarro's words. >> well, he made a statement representing himself. he shouldn't be doing that. no, i have a very good relationship with anthony. >> reporter: this comes after the white house press office distributed to reporters a document critical of fauci and the deputy chief of staff for
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communications, dan scavino posted a cartoon mocking fauci on facebook. fauci who continues to serve in the president's coronavirus task force called the attacks bizarre. >> if you talk to reasonable people in the white house, they realize that was a major mistake on their part because it doesn't do anything but reflect poorly on them. >> reporter: and he pointed out it undermines the government's effort to deal with the pandemic. >> it distracts from what i would hope would be the common effort of getting this thing under control rather than this back and forth distraction which just doesn't make any sense. >> reporter: it also doesn't make any sense to the top republican in the senate who had this to say today. >> what's your level of confidence in dr. fauci at this point? >> total. >> all right, let's get to jon karl in washington. we know the president traveling to atlanta today. he did not visit the cdc and
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also tonight you've learned more about the administration now ordering hospitals to send coronavirus data to washington before the cdc even sees it. >> reporter: this is a new directive that says hospitals should send coronavirus -- information on coronavirus patients to the department of health and human services instead of to the cdc as they had been doing. this has raised some concerns about how that data will be used and whether it will be shared but the head of the cdc late today said that his agency will have full access to all of the information, david. >> all right, jon karl on late developments, thank you. also following the breaking headline. there appears to be a major twitter attack under way targeting major accounts including former president barack obama, joe biden, bill gates, so let's get right to mary bruce with late reporting and know twitter is responding. >> reporter: they're targeting some of the biggest names in business, politics and entertainment including kim kardashian and kanye west. these are accounts with millions of followers.
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now, the scam tweet looks like this one that went out from former president obama's account asking people to send money to a bitcoin wallet. this tweet and many others have already been taken down. now, it's unclear at this point how many people have fallen victim to this scam but it does appear right now that already hundreds of transactions have taken place on this account totally over $100,000. tonight, david, twitter says it is aware of the breach and they are investigating. >> all right, so beware of this major scam coming from all of those big names tonight on twitter. mary, thank you. we turn next to newly released video of a deadly police encounter in wilson, oklahoma. an attempted arrest. two police officers using a stun gun on a man allegedly more than 50 times as he layen 0 the ground begging for help. the man become unresponsive and died days later and tonight the officers are facing murder charges. here's marcus moore and we warn you tonight this, is difficult. >> noncompliance is gonna get you tased. >> reporter: tonight, newly released video captures the violent arrest.
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>> di get you? >> reporter: two wilson, oklahoma, police officers allegedly shooting 28-year-old jared lakey more than 50 times with stun guns. >> put your hands behind your back. >> reporter: the disturbing body camera footage from july 4th last year. lakey's family attorney releasing the 11-minute video, which is part of a civil lawsuit. it shows officers joshua taylor and brandon dingman confronting lakey. the incident started with a 911 call about a man running down a street yelling. when met by officers, an oklahoma state bureau of investigations report says. lakey refused to comply with their commands. the bureau said they shot them multiple times. court records however claim the stun guns were fired a combined total of more than 50 times. authorities said as officers arrested him, lakey became unresponsive. he died two days later. david, in their report the medical examiner noted complications of a heart attack
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and the use of an agent or of some sort or possible causes of his death and tonight the two officers who were involved have been charged with second degree murder. >> marcus moore tonight, thank you. next this evening four new york city police officers protl rally during a pro-police march. video from the scene tonight showing some officers trying to push back the crowd. others treating wounds. the chief reportedly suffering a broken finger. police say at least 38 people are in custody tonight. we're also following the growing number of in ts country. tonight police body cam of one incident ending in a deadly police shooting. a customer refused service after he was not wearing a mask who then allegedly stabs another customer. later lunging at an officer. here's abc's alex perez and unfortunately, this is disturbing too.
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>> reporter: tonight, a deadly end to an ordeal that police say started with a dispute over a face mask. >> drop the weapon! orody raeoeapon! deputy shootn after he er the hospital. that suspect authorities say had earlier stabbed a 77-year-old who confronted him about not wearing a mask. >> wear a mask. let's get through this together and hopefully someday we'll be back to normal. >> reporter: this as the public divide and list of violent encounters over masks grows, this one happening july 5th in miami. the cdc director saying the virus could be controlled in weeks if people followed the guidelines. >> we really embrace masking. if we really embrace the social distancing and hand washing, we could bring this outbreak to its knees. >> reporter: across the only two states, iowa and south dakota, have no mask mandate of any kind. walmart announcing customers
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must begin wearing masks on monday including costco and starbucks requiring them in all stores and, david, at least two dozen states going further not only requiring a mask when in a business but also asking residents to wear one whenever outside. david. >> all right, alex perez, thank you. when we come back news on supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg and the grisly scene here in new york city, the murder of a tech ceo followed into an elevator. t actors, who've got their eczema under control. so roll up those sleeves. and help heal your skin from within with dupixent. dupixent is the first treatment of its kind that continuously treats moderate-to-severe eczema, or atopic dermatitis, even between flare ups. dupixent is a biologic, and not a cream or steroid. many people taking dupixent saw clear or almost clear skin, and, had significantly less itch.
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serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, which is severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. if you take asthma medicines, don't change or stop them without talking to your doctor. so help heal your skin from within, and talk to your eczema specialist about dupixent. if your financial situation has changed, we may be able to help.
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whtetht wthey told usation has changed, building an expes u sh ov creating a coast to coast network to deliver your car as soon as tomorrow. recruiting an army of customer advocate and putting you in control of the whole thing with powerful technology. that's why we've become the nation's fastest growing retailer. because our customers love it. see for yourself, at a horrific murder in new york city. tech ceo fahim saleh found dead in his condo. his body dismembered and left in bags. police say a neighbor heard screaming. investigators say surveillance shows a man following the victim onnen to the elevator. he falls when the doors open on the seventh floor. the killer likely leaving through a service entrance according to authorities. when we come back here tonight that new headline about supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg. kitchen messes with sprays and wipes can be a struggle. there's an easier way.
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thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer, which is breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+/her2- metastatic breast cancer, as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole, which may cause serious infections that can leaeath. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs that can lead to death. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including trouble breathing, shortness of breath, cough, or chest pain. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems,
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are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant. common side effects include low red blood cell and low platelet counts, infections, tiredness, nausea, sore mouth, abnormalities in liver blood tests, diarrhea, hair thinning or loss, vomiting, rash, and loss of appetite. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. today, he's being tested to see if his cancer has spread. he may be the one getting the test, but we both live with the results. [announcer] you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit now. there is news tonight on the george floyd investigation in minneapolis.
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a judge now allowing the public to view newly released body camera images by appointment only, not for broadcast. floyd can be heard saying i'm not a bad guy. floyd's family today filing a wrongful death civil lawsuit. supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg is out of the hospital tonight. the 87-year-old justice is now home less than 48 hours after she was admitted for a possible infection. a spokeswoman said she's home and doing well tonight that is good news. when we come back, the father and daughter and the remarkable thing they're doing in these times. where are you?! honey, did you hear about these new geico savings? mom? you'll get an extra 15% on top of what geico could already save you. can i call you back? your father's been researching our geneology. we're vikings! there's never been a better time to save with geico. switch by october seventh for an extra 15% on car and motorcycle insurance. e lost the wifi password. do you remember what that is?
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or eli ol stoi. cause sioere rgic reaionsattacks. tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection and don't change or stop your asthma treatments, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. du more with less asthma. talk to your doctor today about dupixent. if your financial situation has changed, we may be able to help. finally tonight america strong. the father cllengendtill finding the way to say thank you. the last two years for ryan dwyer and his 12-year-old
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been easy. both diagnosed with cancer, both going through chemo. violet at seattle children's hospital. ryan at u.w. medical center and seattle cancer care alliance. months later, violet and ryan, now both back home and with encouraging news. violet in remission, and ryan is getting ready for a bone marrow transplant and remarkably tonight, both are thinking of others. >> hi, david. this is violet and ryan. >> reporter: father and daughter focused on the team that cared for them. >> i spend a lot of time in these hospitals, and i see the stress on the frontline workers. i see how well they handle it, and we appreciate it so much. >> reporter: they wanted to pay it forward. >> we were looking for a way to give back to the people that actually had their hands on us physically every day, and we felt that a really good way to do that was through the gift of food. >> reporter: they startedinessi nations to meals to loc spitals,ng the
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helping restaurants too. tonight they have delivered more than 5,100 meals to hospitals raising $61,000. >> we appreciate all the nurses and frontline workers who risk themselves every day for us. >> reporter: and tonight here. >> hi, david. >> reporter: the seattle cancer care alliance, who treated ryan, saying thank you. >> we want to thank our patient, ryan dwyer, from the bottom of our hearts for his generosity and for being so incredibly gracious and supporting all of us through these incredibly challenging times. and, ryan, we're here to support you. >> all: thank you! >> violet and her
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we know these are challenging times. rest assured, you are not alone. we've all had to adapt. and with summer here, your energy bills might go up with rising temperatures. together, we can save energy and money. try closing your shades during the day... setting your ac to 78° or higher... or cooling off with a fan when you can. united we are always stronger. stay well, california, and keep it golden. the science tells us that we cannot do it. there is still a health department order not to go back to school so we couldn't even if
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we wanted to. >> big announcement from san francisco schools today. students will not be going back to the classroom this fall. good afternoon. hours, there hae been an additional 11,126 new cases in california. that's a new daily record. this comes as alameda county has received variance from the state to reopen a bit more. and because of a continuing increase of cases we just mentioned, san francisco schools have decided to go to a distance learning model to start the fall. today's announcement has san francisco joining most other bay area districts that will start the new year at home